WordPress Speed Optimization Services

One of the aspects often overlooked by new business owners is technical SEO and page speed.

If your website is taking more than 3 seconds to load, it is bound to lose conversions and revenue. More than 60% of the websites around the world are following this metric, and it leaves potential for ranking above them.

Take us as your website speed optimization team, and let us help you boost your page speed for better rankability.

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SERPJar is a registered SEO company on Google Business Profile with multiple positive reviews. As stated on Google, we operate in more than 25 different areas inside Georgia and are expanding further.

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What is Page Speed Optimization

Website page speed optimization is a process involving the optimization of each page for faster loading times. This involves better performance for users who visit your website from their mobile phone or desktop device. Page Speed optimization is a process that helps both visitors and search engines browse through your website faster, which can improve your website’s growth.

How to find my website's speed?

To find your website’s actual speed, you can use a tool like GiftOfSpeed, SiteSpeedBot, or Pingdom. Aside from these speed measuring tools, you can use Google’s PageSpeedInsights, and find out about your CoreWebVitals, and how your website has scored on them.

How we optimize WordPress websites

Optimize Images

Our optimization process starts with downloading and reviewing the images on your website. Once the heavy ones are identified, we reduce their filesize, and convert them to next-gen images for optimal performance.

Optimize JS/CSS Files

The loading and exact loading order of JavaScript and CSS files is often hard for developers to distinguish. We start analyzing the priority of scripts, combine multiple files into one, and set it to load by following priorities.

Compress Files

Compression helps redusing the requests, and size of many contents on your website. By using Brotli, Gzip, Imagick and others, we can easily lower the loading times, which browsers take, to fully display your website's content.

Reduce Page Size

We setup prioritized loading, and drop unused scripts for optimal speeds. To further reduce the page size, we add most contents on a CDN, and help your website use less requests, and lesser files for faster loading times.

Setup Caching

We create a tiered cache based on your needs, scripts, and prioritization of files, images, and others for loading your website faster. Users only need to visit once, then all static content will be loaded without the need of initial requests.

Lower server usage

We search and delete unused or unwanted server addons, to lower the server's cost usage, then move your site to be delivered over CDN. Usually, this would be enough to achieve loading times under 3s. If not, we can always find an alternative hosting provider.

What is included in our website speed optimization services?

Technical Audit

Before optimizing your website's speed, we start our process with technical audits. They require precise checking on your website's plugins, and current technology to ensure a swift process. Once our report is ready, we can show you all the aspects slowing down your website, and explain how we can optimize it.

Maximum Performance

We start working on your website by implementing caching, script modification, and setting a conditional logic on how browsers will process your website. This process involves working under your images, plugins, themes, and scripts. In some cases, we change your current technology with a more optimized, and better functioning one (we discuss this).

Core Web Vitals 

Ensure that your website is aligned with the core web vitals, and will load fast for each visitor. Core Web Vitals is measured by real visitor data. While search engines can give you great results and 100/100 scores on mobile and desktop, the visitor experience is measured through time. Our mission is to make sure that visitors will have a positive experience, and reflect it on your Page Speed Insights test.

No downtime

While working on your website, we will not take it down, or even make changes on the live one. We simply make a WordPress backup and use our own installation to make sure the process goes swiftly. After ensuring our implementations work, we implement the changes on your website and continue monitoring for changes.


Once our optimization process has finished, we offer a 7-day monitoring process, to ensure that the website is functioning properly. Every site speed optimization service has bad sectors and unwanted errors. To minimize any issue, we monitor your website closely and continuously improve it without having to pay more.

Maintenance included

When the whole process is finished, we offer website maintenance services, to continue working and improving your website. The maintenance services will cover anything from safely updating your plugins, but also protecting your website from unwanted malicious software or brute attacks.

Benefits of optimizing your website for speed

To start with an advantage over other accountants, you can sign up for these 4 free tools, and help your SEO agency tackle the existing results faster.

Improved Keyword Rankings

Having a faster website ensures that search engines will notice your positive user experience, and reward you with higher keyword rankings. Many websites have seen tremendous growth after improving their site speed, due to the fact, that users want to make purchases without waiting more than 3 seconds.

Faster loading times

At the least, we guarantee 2.5 seconds loading times for e-commerce stores, and 3 times faster loading times for blog websites, which are loading static content. Our clients have even seen loading times of 200ms per page, making their user experience and time on site twice more.

Increased conversions

If your website loads under 2 seconds, you are bound to increase your conversions, because users love fast sites. You can even upsell without making customers overthink. In fact, overselling customers is much easier when your site is faster, and offers a seamless shopping experience.

What people say about SEO services for HVAC Businesses

Excellent SEO services. Has helped me get my site to page 1 on Google for several key services. Couldn't have asked for better results.
A true SEO expert (to say the least). He exceeded my expectations with his unique approach and hard work. Would to love to work with him again.
Outstanding SEO Services were provided. It was an absolute pleasure to work with them. Highly recommended and would seek their services again.

FAQ about our website speed optimization services

Page speed is measured on loading times for a certain page, while site speed depends on the site’s loading time. The similarity between both is the time it takes for the server to process and send requests.

By default, slow WordPress websites often have too many plugins installed (more than 15) and use heavy page builders with unoptimized code. Another factor that contributes to slow website speed is the images. Most owners use PNG images to display content, which takes more time to be downloaded.

There are many tools, that are used to measure the speed of a website, but the most popular ones are Page Speed Insights, GT Metrics, and Pingdom. These are the most trusted tools, which can also be combined with uptime tracking tools such as UptimeRobot, and easily find anomalies.

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